Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goal Setting

Do you know how hard it is for a cat to set goals? Hmmm...let me see. Eat, sleep, do 2 laps around the house, beg for people food, sleep. What is all the hype this time of year to set these goals? Okay, here goes, I want to be a skinnier more spiritual cat in 2011. I will blog several times a week. I will find things for you to look at, so you can learn more.

There are my goals. It should be easy to share with you this year. There is a computer in almost every room, so I don't have to wait for my humans to use one. They won't even know.
If you have any requests for me to talk about, please let me know. I am pretty good at internet marketing, and have several web sites.

I made one that is for dogs. It is . I would like you all to go there and buy things so all the dogs of the world can be controlled by humans.

Remember, Dogs have masters, Cats have staff.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Max, Affiliate Cat

Hello, My Name is Max

Who reads these things, anyway? I am a beautiful young female looking for support and help. Actually, I am 9 years young, pure black, green eyes, and totally unpredictable. I am supposedly feline in heritage, but I only pretend to be a cat when the Humans are around. That said, let me tell you why I am reaching out. I have owned "My Humans" for 9 years. I have only been outside a few times in that time, and quite frankly, I don't much like it. I spend most days sleeping in the sun in the front window and I have gotten them almost trained. We have 2 homes. One stays in the same place all the time, and the other one has wheels. They both have front windows to sleep in, and computers that I can use, so I am set.
I have been doing websites for several years now, and run a business called Badges R Us. I also do some affiliate web sites, so I can pay my humans to take care of me. I decided to share some of my online secrets with anyone who is interested, so I started this blog. Hopefully, you will find some information that you can use on here.

Later... Max (Maximum)